Stand pipe

stand pipe: in the home, typically refers to the vertical pipe that accepts the discharged waste water from the washing machine.

Stand Pipe

The washing machine in your home discharges water into a pipe, that’s usually hidden inside of the wall, called the stand pipe. This pipe must be of sufficient size and height to be able to accept the high volume of water that is quickly discharged by today’s washing machines. Since the early 2000’s, it’s been a requirement that the washing …

Storm collar

storm collar: a piece of flashing at appliance vent pipes/chimneys that project through the roof; fits around the vent and sits just above the roof flashing and is sealed with an appropriate caulk at the top edge; used to divert water away from the roof penetration point.

Stranded aluminum wire

SOLID VS STRANDED WIRE There are two different types of aluminum wiring that are found in homes: solid and stranded. Solid wires are one piece of wire, and are typically found on the lower amperage (15A & 20A) 120V circuits in the home. Stranded wires are multiple pieces of wire bundled together to form a larger wire, and are typically …


In a raised structure, the first layer of construction material installed on top of the floor joist. It provides a stable surface upon which to apply the finished flooring (carper, tile, vinyl, etc.)


sump: a pool, pit or hollowed area intended to collect water.

Swimming Pool Safety

While swimming pools are a great addition to a home, they present a significant hazard for small children, as hundreds drown each year in preventable accidents. By following the appropriate guidelines, we can make pool accidents less prevalent, and help to protect the youngest members of our home. Click the link below to download a copy of the CPSC Safety …

Tankless Water Heater

Tankless water heaters are devices used to supply a property with an unlimited supply of hot water. These units aren’t like the typical tank style water heater, which hold many gallons (typically around 40-50) of water inside a lined steel tank, keeping the water heated until it’s needed. Tankless water heaters only heat the water when the faucet is turned …

Tankless water heater

tankless water heater: also known as instantaneous or on-demand type water heaters, supply hot water only when needed. When a hot faucet is opened, the heater turns on, heating the water only when it is running.

Tempered glass

A type of treated safety glass that, when broken, crumbles into tiny pieces instead of jagged shards, thereby lessening the possibility of injury. Car windows are also make of tempered glass.